Whatever method of brain improvement you pursue, it will not be as effective unless you change your brain biochemistry with it. Many people eat a healthy diet and quite a few maintain a healthful weight. But that’s not all you can do. The CR Way Brain Booster membership focuses on activating the formation of new neurons and protecting brain cells from dangerous oxidative stress.
It starts with a well worked out program to lower glucose levels. Once the glucose basics are mastered, innovative meal plans help you activate ketones, which are usually thought of as something for diabetics or an unhealthful meal loaded with high protein and fat. The CR Way takes a totally different tact: It focuses on very complex carbohydrates, which have little effect on blood glucose. Other ketone-provoking protocols are integrated into a full life plan.
Starting today and continuing through January, LivingTheCRWay.com presents world leading experts on ketones and brain health as guests in our Brain Booster classes. As members understand how to utilize these brain changing ideas, they will get meal/lifestyle plans that help to put them into practice.
If you truly care about your brain and want to do everything you can to protect against Alzheimer’s disease, as well as the slow cognitive decline that most people experience, you owe it to yourself to find out more.
For a free consultation about the Brain Booster Membership:
Paul@livingthecrway.com or call 877-481-4841