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Type 2 Diabetes

cr-way-to-great-glucose-control.jpgOn the same week we released our new e-Book, The CR Way to Great Glucose Control, a study was presented at the Radiological Society of America’s annual meeting* showing that calorie restriction cures type 2 diabetes. This confirms what we already have seen in many diabetic members of

The lead author was quoted as saying:

“Lifestyle interventions may have more powerful beneficial cardiac effects than medication in these patients," said the study's lead author, Sebastiaan Hammer, M.D., Ph.D., from the Department of Radiology at Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands. “It is striking to see how a relatively simple intervention of a very low calorie diet effectively cures type 2 diabetes mellitus. Moreover, these effects are long term, illustrating the potential of this method."

Here’s the study

Prolonged caloric restriction in obese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus decreases myocardial triglyceride content and improves myocardial function.

J Am Coll Cardiol. 2008 Sep 16;52(12):1006-12.


The Best Diet for Type 2 Diabetes

A cure for Type 2 diabetes is big news. That it will prevent the disease is terrific too. The CR Way to Great Glucose Control focuses on low-calorie living: Excellent nutrition and social support are integrated into the program. Rather than seeing people go back to former habits after the 1st few weeks, The CR Way™ provides tools to build a whole series of enjoyable health habits that become a lifestyle. As one enthusiast says, “I am attracted by the fact that the CR Way is not a diet to go on for weight loss and go off when I reach my goals. Instead, it is a new way to live healthfully.”

Additional studies confirm that curing type 2 diabetes with a calorie restricted diet is possible. To learn more, access the the CR Way Blog: Calorie Restriction Cures Type 2 Diabetes: Confirmed!!

Learn more about our calorie restriction diet diabetes intervention membership and get started on one of the best diets for diabetics available.

Are you a physician? Please check out our Professional Practice Membership or call us at 877-841-4841 to discuss the special edition of The CR Way to Great Glucose Control for patients with metabolic syndrome. 

* PR Newswire. “Restricted Calorie Diet Improves Heart Function in Obese Patients with Diabetes.” RSNA, Chicago, 11/28/2011